Body types of cat

Cats can also come in several body types, ranging between two extremes. These are the body types of cat:

Not a specific breed, but any cat with an elongated slender build, almond-shaped eyes, long nose, large ears (the Siamese and Oriental Shorthair breeds are examples of this).

Less slender than the oriental type, but nevertheless a cat with a slight build and generally athletic look. Typical example breeds would be the Abyssinian cat and the Turkish Angora. Some people consider the foreign and oriental body types as being the same, however.

More or less the middle range of body conformation types, this type of cat is less slender without being stocky. Example breeds would be the Devon Rex and the Egyptian Mau.

These cats look more rounded without looking too stocky. Example breeds would be the American Shorthair and British Shorthair.

Any cat with a short, muscular, compact build, roundish eyes, short nose, and small ears. Persian cats and Exotic cats are two prime examples of such a body type.

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Most popular cat names in Quebec

Most popular cat names in Quebec:
  1. Minou
  2. Grisou
  3. Ti-Mine
  4. Félix
  5. Caramel
  6. Mimi
  7. Pacha
  8. Charlotte
  9. Minette
  10. Chanel

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Popular cat names in Germany

Popular cat names in Germany:
  1. Felix
  2. Minka
  3. Moritz
  4. Charly
  5. Tiger (tee-gher)
  6. Max
  7. Susi
  8. Lisa
  9. Blacky
  10. Muschi

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Cat years

Cat years is life expectancy of a cat, typically 12-15 years. However, a cat kept indoors may live to at least 21 years. This compares to a world average for humans of 67.2 years. A one-year-old cat may be compared to a 15-year-old-human. This proportion narrows as the cat gets older so that when the cat is 15 it is equivalent to a 76-year-old person.

Cat years compare to human years:

Cat Years Human Years
1 15
2 24
3 28
4 32
5 36
6 40
7 44
8 48
9 52
10 56
11 60
12 64
13 68
14 72
15 76
16 80
17 84
18 88
19 92
20 96

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Popular cat names in United States

The United States' largest pet insurer, Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI), releases annual rankings of its customers' most popular cat names and dog names. The 2010 list (based on information from 2009 and released in January 2010) was gathered from 475,000 policies. Curtis Steinhoff, senior director of corporate communications for VPI, attributed the popularity of "Bella" (No. 3 on the cat list but No. 1 for dogs) on the 2010 list as probably having "something to do with Bella being the name of the heroine in a certain vampire book/film series that's pretty popular these days."

In 2009, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that according to government databases, the three most popular cat names in that city were, in order, Kitty, Tiger and Max. In 2004, the same newspaper reported differently based on information from the Cook County Department of Animal Control. The Sun-Times reported in 1987 that the same Cook County department had checked its database of 27,863 cats that had been vaccinated from 1984 through 1986 and found yet different results.

Popular cat names in United States:

Source VPI 2010 VPI 2009 VPI 2008 VPI 2006
1 Max Max Max Max
2 Chloe Chloe Chloe Tigger
3 Bella Tigger Lucy Smokey
4 Oliver Tiger Tigger Tiger
5 Tiger Lucy Tiger Chloe
6 Smokey Smokey Smokey Shadow
7 Tigger Oliver Oliver Lucy
8 Lucy Bella Bella Angel
9 Shadow Shadow Sophie Oliver
10 Angel Charlie Princess Simba

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Popular cat names in United Kingdom

In 2006, Direct Line, a pet insurance company, created this list of the most popular cat names in United Kingdom chosen by its customers: The company's lists of popular cat and dog names "overlaps heavily with the same year’s 100 most popular children’s names in England and Wales", according to Melissa Lafsky, writing in the "Freakonomics" blog at the New York Times website:

  1. Molly
  2. Charlie
  3. Tigger
  4. Poppy
  5. Oscar
  6. Smudge
  7. Millie
  8. Daisy
  9. Max
  10. Jasper

Another survey conducted in 2006 came up with different results. In that poll, conducted for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2,000 people in the United Kingdom were asked about their pets' names. The most popular names in United Kingdom were:

  1. Molly
  2. Felix
  3. Smudge
  4. Sooty
  5. Tigger
  6. Charlie
  7. Alfie
  8. Oscar
  9. Millie
  10. Misty
A 1998 poll in Britain conducted for Petplan, an animal insurer, found the most popular cat names to be Charlie, Milly, Oscar, Tiger, Poppy, Sophie, Rosie, Smudge and Lucy.

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Popular cat names in Australia

According to "Bow Wow Meow", an Australian company that provides pet tags to pet stores and veterinarians, the 10 most popular cat names its Australian customers chose, as of 2010, are:

  1. Oscar
  2. Max
  3. Tiger
  4. Sam
  5. Misty
  6. Simba
  7. Coco
  8. Chloe
  9. Lucy
  10. Missy

10 most popular cat names its Australian customers chose, as of 2008, are::

  1. Oscar
  2. Bella
  3. Molly
  4. Max
  5. Coco
  6. Milo
  7. Angel
  8. Tigger
  9. Missy
  10. Lily

10 most popular cat names its Australian customers chose, as of 2008, are::

  1. Tiger
  2. Puss
  3. Smokey
  4. Misty
  5. Tigger
  6. Kitty
  7. Oscar
  8. Missy
  9. Max
  10. Ginger

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