Most popular cat names in Quebec

Most popular cat names in Quebec:
  1. Minou
  2. Grisou
  3. Ti-Mine
  4. Félix
  5. Caramel
  6. Mimi
  7. Pacha
  8. Charlotte
  9. Minette
  10. Chanel

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Popular cat names in Germany

Popular cat names in Germany:
  1. Felix
  2. Minka
  3. Moritz
  4. Charly
  5. Tiger (tee-gher)
  6. Max
  7. Susi
  8. Lisa
  9. Blacky
  10. Muschi

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Cat years

Cat years is life expectancy of a cat, typically 12-15 years. However, a cat kept indoors may live to at least 21 years. This compares to a world average for humans of 67.2 years. A one-year-old cat may be compared to a 15-year-old-human. This proportion narrows as the cat gets older so that when the cat is 15 it is equivalent to a 76-year-old person.

Cat years compare to human years:

Cat Years Human Years
1 15
2 24
3 28
4 32
5 36
6 40
7 44
8 48
9 52
10 56
11 60
12 64
13 68
14 72
15 76
16 80
17 84
18 88
19 92
20 96

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